Sunday, February 27, 2005

Change of Plans

OK, so Emily has been the one requesting Tin Roof every week, and she's not even going to be here. I'm not sure which flavor I'm going to pick now. This is your chance, suggest soon before I get the ice cream tomorrow. I'll just end up picking a Random if I don't hear from anyone. I'll see y'all tomorrow!


Monday, February 21, 2005

They were CONES!!!

OK so I totally forgot about the ice cream cones! Sorry, I haven't been too with it recently. Next week, someone remind me to pull them out! So what did y'all think? I heard from most people tonight, that it was a good choice. What cracks me up, is that some people even ate the leftovers from last week! Hey, as long as it is out of my freezer, I could care less. Chocolate Covered Cherries was just amazing! I've always loved cherries, I was the kid who would pick out all of the cherries in the fruit salad on Thanksgiving. I was also the kid who would eat all of the cherries out of the jar and drink the juice. I've always loved cherries. So I definitely enjoyed this week's pick. Good job Heather, way to step up and pick a winner. Now I want to hear from the members of Ice Cream Club. What was your favorite part of the ice cream? Was it the heart shaped chocolate? Was it the CHERRIES? Was it the fact, that if you closed your eyes you really thought you were eating a box of those yummy chocolate covered cherries? Mmmmm....Chocolate Covered Cherry Ice Cream. Also I would like to thank those who visited Ice Cream Club for the first time, Ross, Sarah, Crystal, Casey, and Nik. I hope I didn't miss anyone! Also I apologize because there is no way I spelled everyone's name right except for Ross, how else could you spell that name! OK y'all start suggesting! Y'all who've never commented before, maybe you should step out on a limb and give us your input! Yay for Ice Cream Club!!!!

I like Chocolate Covered Cherry ice cream because it's pink,

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Exciting news!

I hope everyone got the reminder! I know Lectureship is going on, so I understand if you're not able to make it. I'm going to try and attend a little bit of Lectureship if time allows. I'm not sure what flavor we will be having tomorrow. Heather suggested Chocolate Covered Cherries, which was a seasonal item out for Valentine's, so if they have it still, I will get that one. If United has already gotten rid of it, then I will go with Emily's suggestion of Tin Roof. I hope everyone is able to make it! Be sure to give your input on suggestions and comments! Every voice counts! Oh Heather bought some ice cream cones, mmmmm. I guess that's not TOO exciting.

Cone or a bowl, hmmm?

Monday, February 07, 2005

I'm not a fan

So today we tasted a new "southwest" flavor, called Dulce de Leche Cheesecake (I think that's what it was called, for some reason I want to add Caramel in there somewhere). It was ok, it definitely wasn't my favorite. It had a lot of nuts in it, and I'm not the biggest fan of that stuff. Sorry Kim, I didn't like your suggestion too much, but we're trying them all, so there's going to be a bad flavor every now and then. I also would like to apologize for the broken dance pad. Hopefully by next week, Gamestop will have restocked their dance pads for PS2. OK guys, y'all better be suggesting some flavors or you will have to eat the leftovers of the whole half gallon of Dulce de Leche Cheesecake!!!!

Dulce de Leche Cheesecake=the bottom of my list,