Monday, February 21, 2005

They were CONES!!!

OK so I totally forgot about the ice cream cones! Sorry, I haven't been too with it recently. Next week, someone remind me to pull them out! So what did y'all think? I heard from most people tonight, that it was a good choice. What cracks me up, is that some people even ate the leftovers from last week! Hey, as long as it is out of my freezer, I could care less. Chocolate Covered Cherries was just amazing! I've always loved cherries, I was the kid who would pick out all of the cherries in the fruit salad on Thanksgiving. I was also the kid who would eat all of the cherries out of the jar and drink the juice. I've always loved cherries. So I definitely enjoyed this week's pick. Good job Heather, way to step up and pick a winner. Now I want to hear from the members of Ice Cream Club. What was your favorite part of the ice cream? Was it the heart shaped chocolate? Was it the CHERRIES? Was it the fact, that if you closed your eyes you really thought you were eating a box of those yummy chocolate covered cherries? Mmmmm....Chocolate Covered Cherry Ice Cream. Also I would like to thank those who visited Ice Cream Club for the first time, Ross, Sarah, Crystal, Casey, and Nik. I hope I didn't miss anyone! Also I apologize because there is no way I spelled everyone's name right except for Ross, how else could you spell that name! OK y'all start suggesting! Y'all who've never commented before, maybe you should step out on a limb and give us your input! Yay for Ice Cream Club!!!!

I like Chocolate Covered Cherry ice cream because it's pink,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I'll post because you told me to. The C.C.C tonight was really good. I was suprised because I thought that I would have had enough since my mom just bought me the box of C.C.C.'s for V-day. We need more DDR because that was alot of fun and a good way to burn off those extra ice cream calories. My suggestion for next week would be something with brownie chunks in it just cause it has the word brown in it like my last name. Anyone have any good ideas for next week?

Can't wait for leftovers this week :)

9:22 PM  
Blogger Kimberly said...

I so badly want to go out and buy my own personal container of chocolate covered cherry ice cream. I could eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner! I wish it came in a smaller container, so I could somewhat control myself. I will feel a loss when it will no longer be sold, because of its seasonal nature. I like everything about it. Good job Heather and good job Blue Bell!

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved this week's choice of chocolate covered cherry ice cream. It was the perfect blend of fruit flavor and what everyone likes the best, chocolate. I am sorry that I did not get to come at the correct time, but I did enjoy the ice cream. Good choice Heather. I hope next week's flavor is just as good.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Emily said...

One word - YUM! Doesn't matter what we have next week to me...I'll still throw in my standard suggestion of Tin Roof.

6:39 PM  

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