Thursday, October 13, 2005

Starbucks Look Out!

Blue Bell is always good, however this week's flavor was amazing! Coffee put my tastebuds into hyper-overdrive! I really don't know when I started liking the flavor of coffee. For the longest time it just reminded me of old people and crazed nights of studying. But now that it is part of my daily calming ritual, it is more than just a trendy beverage, but clarity in a cup or most of the time in an ice cold Frappuccino. Starbucks watch out through word of mouth Blue Bell will be the next power coffee company if I have anything to do with it!
Those of you who hate the taste of coffee, fear not this flavor is smooth and sweet in all the right places! Give in to the bean!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is that sexy man in the previous blog??? :)

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simplicity is the essense of flavor. And flavor is that intangible that glitters our sensations with pixie dusting of delight. Coffee. Straight to the point. Do we love Wedding Cake for its complexity? Of course. Do we love Coffee for its sheer power of in-your-face, licking-spoons-and-tasting-great attitude? Yes. Yes we do. This ice cream stands on its own two feet and says, "I taste how I taste, no apologies. Consumers prepare for an indulging imbibement." I could dandy around the ecstatical qualities of Coffee, but I would be misrepresenting a beautiful simplicity. Coffee: its that good.

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i looked up "imbibement" and there is no such word on WWW.WEBSTER.COM hmmmmmmm

11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! The long day is over and the time for ice cream has come. My step has a joyful bounce as I rush into te house, smile and wave dismissively at all the spectators who watch Sarah and Lindsey gyrating to the sounds of DDR, and head directly for that beloved ice vault guarding all that is perfect and holy. My heart races as I open the door... the hopes of my day rest on one question - what's the flavor?
My hopes Crash and Burn and my heart sinks as I see the word on the side of the carton: "coffee"
I'm one of the four people in the United States who hates coffee - that freak at Starbuck's who holds up the line, forced to decide between two drinks affectionally called "coffee alternatives". But I quickly compose myself. I have to at least try it right? You can't let a bad flavor get it the way of Blue Bell. I grab a spoon...
Alas, much to the chargrin of my disgruntled tastebuds, coffee ice cream is only slightly less disappointing than the beverage from which it so confidently derives its designation. Better luck next week.

10:08 AM  

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